Here are some frequently asked questions about our services.

Where do we ship to and what courier do we use?

We provide shipping to USA and Canada Only thru Canada Post.
The customer is responsible for paying any Duty Fees.

Pickup location is in Brampton, Ontario.
* If you chose to pickup we will send you the pickup address.

What is our return/refund policy?

We do not accept returns/refunds because of the custom nature of the products.
Please be sure the artwork you send in is correct as we cannot make changes once we have fulfilled the order.

What payment methods do we accept?

We Current Accept:
-Interac E-Transfer (Canada Only)
-Master Card*
-Cash (Local Pickup)
*Credit Cards may have a processing fee.

How quickly do we process and ship orders?

Normally ordered are processed same business day.
We try to ship out your order within 1-3 business days.

If you order is large it may take a bit longer to complete and ship.

How will you know your order has shipped?

You will receive an email with your tracking number and you order will be sent out the following day.

How will I know my product will be printed correctly?

We provide some template guides here.
We can send a proof/sample photo on request for you to review before completing your full order.